CSPB 2024


  • Ravenwoods CSPB runs for 10 weeks (every other week) beginning late June.  (See below for dates)

  • Each CSPB will include a homemade dough (regular and gluten free options available) + sauce/pesto + selection of in season vegetables + a note about each week’s pizza  (you are in charge of supplying your own meat and cheese)

  • The dough (GF + Reg) will make a standard 12”, 8 slice pizza.  This will feed 2 adults nicely, or be a light fare for 4. You are welcome to order more than one pizza if you so choose

  • Pick up happens on Thursday’s in Burk’s Falls- at my home. You will receive a notification in the morning when ready. Pick up anytime throughout the day at your convenience

  • Price for a CSPB share is $25/week x 10 = $250 

  • Please let me know of any dietary restrictions and/or all food allergies (nuts, dairy, mustard etc.) Can you handle spicy foods? Does cilantro taste like soap? Toppings and/or sauces may contain ingredients like these and it’s good to be aware ahead of time. (no hospital trips please!) 

  • Full payment is due by May 1st, 2024 ( Payment plans are available. Please message me privately and I will work with you to come up with a plan that fits your budget.) 

  • Payments can be made by e-transfer to: ravenwoodsfarmstead@gmail.com

What to expect: Every other week you will receive a share containing a curated selection of vegetable and herb (with the occasional edible flower) + a homemade pizza dough + and accompanying sauce/pesto. Everything is from scratch. Pizzas in the spring will look completely different from pizzas in the fall.  There will be a love note included with your pie, covering recipe/ cooking instructions and little tis bits from the farm. Follow along with the directions, or do your own thing! 

Everything is an adventure after all.  


June: 13 + 27 

July: 11 + 25

August: 8 + 22 

 September: 5 + 19

October: 3 + 17


CONTAINERS: In order to keep waste to a minimum, I work with reusable containers and jars as much as possible.  Like everything else, these have become pricey.  In order to keep costs down, please return all containers and jars on your next pizza pick up, to be reused throughout the season.  If you can’t seem to part with these containers, you are welcome to keep them- just know that you will receive an invoice to pay for them :)

GOING ON VACATION? Summer is the time for adventure and fun.  However, vegetables don’t stop growing just because you are away.  Farming has a lot of moving pieces and challenges- it is an all consuming profession, and while I would love to accommodate everyones schedule and needs, sadly, I cannot.  If you are planning on being away during one of the pizza weeks, that’s wonderful!  BUT! please make arrangements for someone else to pick up your order.  Treat your neighbour, a friend, the housesitter- pay it forward! (but make sure to communicate that whoever you are treating is also able to pick it up). It is your responsibility to make these arrangements. 

  • If you need to pick up your share a day or two later than the scheduled pick up, let me know- if given advance notice I can generally accommodate this. However, I do not have the space to hold shares for longer than a few days.

  • Unfortunately, pizzas cannot be picked up earlier than Thursday. 

  • There are no refunds for missed pick-ups.  I show up each week, and I kindly ask the same in return :)

If you have any other questions or need further information you can contact me through e-mail at: ravenwoodsfarmstead@gmail.com

I look forward to sharing the season of delicious pizzas with you!

WANT MORE PRODUCE? Throughout our growing season, I offer an online farmers market list each Sunday, detailing what is available for the week ahead. If you would like to be added to the list, click here, or to learn more about what we grow, go here.